Why do you need a partner to lead your technology and payment implementations?

For a merchant to unlock the full potential of new technology, partnering with the expertise of an organization like W. Capra is crucial.  Conversely, for a vendor whose platform or product has been selected by a merchant, ensuring an efficient and effective implementation can help establish strong client relations and...

What’s In Store for Retail: Industry Trends to Watch

While uncertainty around the state of the economy lingers due to inflation, retailers have remained focused on roadmaps centered around new technology and experiences to keep customers engaged. Here we examine the top trends retailers should be watching.

As Technology Evolves, So Does the Need for Quality Assurance

As the industry witnesses constant innovation and the introduction of new solutions, QA capabilities have become table stakes for ensuring the smooth functioning of consumer-facing and back-end technology. Whether rolling out new capabilities, maintaining existing solutions, or testing hypotheses, technological advances have introduced new channels that require rigid testing.

Is EV the only alternate fuel solution?

Electric vehicles continue to dominate the news cycle related to an anointed shift away from liquefied fuels; over the next decade, the energy grid in the United States could see significant strain because of the country’s push for EV adoption coming faster than the grid can handle.

What does it take to be a successful Merchant of Record?

Many enterprise merchants in recent years, in particular QSR chains and Convenience & Energy Retailing companies, have become the Merchant of Record (MoR) for their franchisees. In an earlier article, we explained what it means to be a Merchant of Record. Here, we’ll explain the profile of companies that might...

Retail Economics Are Changing – Are You?

Advertisers are increasingly redirecting their funds from traditional publishers to retailers that are serving as publishers— and this trend is only projected to continue, with retail media spending likely to double in the next four years.

Should You Be Installing a Retail Charge Point Network?

As EV adoption continues to rise, retailers who own real estate face a critical decision on whether, and how, to implement a charge point network. Often described as a nexus of charge points that enables EV owners to charge their vehicles, track which charge points they engage with, and predictably...

When Should a Merchant Be Merchant of Record?

The biggest benefit to becoming the Merchant of Record is the opportunity to optimize payment operations and standardize the customer experience. As technology has evolved, so has the need to optimize transaction flows across channels of commerce, control costs, and improve resiliency.

How should my business confidently deploy new retail technology solutions?

Implementing new technology or software solutions can be a complex and risky process. To mitigate potential pitfalls and ensure successful deployments, merchants should consider enlisting the help of a trusted third-party testing partner. The key benefits of third-party testing with an industry stalwart like W. Capra should be an integral...

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