Testing & Certification

High-quality testing is vital to a successful, productive release. Testing the multiple facets of a retail card processing environment requires an understanding of the integration and flow. W. Capra has a team of testing and certification analysts that have expertise in validating payment, loyalty and mobile processing for convenience and retail industries to execute high-quality testing.

W. Capra has experience testing with all the leading Point-of-Sale (POS) and Enterprise Payment Solution (EPS) devices across acquirers and processors. Our analysts also perform EMV certification testing.

W. Capra owns and operates a Quality Assurance (QA) lab with multiple vendor retail solutions already available for client testing efforts. In addition to our own lab, we also work with our clients’ QA team to manage on-site QA labs and support accelerate testing.

Our approach is to analyze, perform test preparation, and execute the test plan. First, an analysis of the current environment and corresponding changes is conducted to create a test plan. Once the plan is determined, we help prepare for the testing by setting up test rigs, developing the test scripts, and gathering information on the appropriate payment, loyalty, and digital payment methods. After the test is correctly prepared, we will execute the test scripts ensuring the results are fully documented and impact analysis is included.

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