Process Optimization
Process optimization is the act of identifying and implementing new processes, or methods, that make the business more efficient and cost effective.
W. Capra excels in identifying operational inefficiencies to streamline processes and reduce business’ costs. We have extensive expertise in payment operations and retail technology. W. Capra will work with you to identify areas for optimization and design a plan to implement changes that will result in efficiencies and cost savings.
Latest Insights
- Orchestrating Success: How Merchants Can Better Capitalize on the Benefits of Payment OrchestrationAs the complexity of managing multiple payment channels and services continues to evolve, the concept of payment orchestration has garnered increasing attention in the merchant community. Despite this growing interest, there has been a notable lag in actual implementation of orchestration capabilities. Here we explore what payment orchestration is, why it’s relevant to merchants, and how to overcome the challenges to effective orchestration.
- Decarbonization – From Energy Sources to Retail Deployment With the alternative fuels market gaining significant traction, business leaders must grasp how this transition will impact their organization and how they can be part of the change toward decarbonization. As retailers consider installing EV (Electric Vehicle) or Hydrogen Fuel Cell chargers to handle the increasing consumer demand, they must realize that installing these chargers alone will not satisfy their overall cleaner energy goals.
- Why You Need to Take a Deeper Look at Your Fleet Offering Whether an organization maintains an existing proprietary fleet offering or is evaluating their third-party fleet payment providers, one of the most common barriers that retailers face when attempting to gain incremental market share is that their offering assumes a universal need across the fleet portfolio.