Pizza with red sauce and basil

Dining & Quick Serve Restaurants (QSRs)

W. Capra’s extensive experience with dining and QSR retailers extends from cherished regional chains to corporations loved globally.  Whether helping retailers to elevate the consumer experience, optimize business operations, or improve security measures, W. Capra enables restaurants and QSRs of all sizes to define and achieve their strategic goals. 

Our team of experts specializes in helping our clients design and implement innovative solutions to address challenges and optimize operations in-store, at the drive thru, at curbside pickup and in the digital channel.  Leveraging this experience enhances our ability to provide a bridge between business and customer needs to find solutions to address both of them. Working closely with our dining and QSR clients, the solutions we help deliver lead to tangible business results with proven Return on Investment (ROI).

Latest Insights

  • Why You Need to Take a Deeper Look at Your Fleet Offering 
    Whether an organization maintains an existing proprietary fleet offering or is evaluating their third-party fleet payment providers, one of the most common barriers that retailers face when attempting to gain incremental market share is that their offering assumes a universal need across the fleet portfolio.
  • Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) State-Level Changes
    The states of California and Oklahoma have recently decided to issue EBT EMV cards in a move designed to mitigate fraud. While the theory remains that this implementation will help to protect consumers, in practice the payment facilitators have not received the specifications to code to, and therefore will not be ready to accept these cards at the anticipated time of issuance.
  • Why do you need a partner to lead your technology and payment implementations?
    For a merchant to unlock the full potential of new technology, partnering with the expertise of an organization like W. Capra is crucial.  Conversely, for a vendor whose platform or product has been selected by a merchant, ensuring an efficient and effective implementation can help establish strong client relations and get your organization on the path to revenue recognition more quickly.

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