
The way your organization delivers change is important; the speed of deployment impacts how fast your customer will respond to those changes, driving brand loyalty and increased spend. As the go-to deployment partner for industry leaders for over twenty years, let the W. Capra team deliver effective action for you.

At W. Capra, our team of expert resources have successfully managed many multi-year, large-scale deployment programs. We have delivered deployment approaches for enabling OEMV, mobile payment and loyalty, and even integrated third party changes into our clients’ environment. From contracts to vendor management, W. Capra is with you each step along the way. As experts at providing leadership by “doing”, our team of resources can thoughtfully co-exist with your team or we can provide full end-to-end deployment services.

Latest Insights

  • Why do you need a partner to lead your technology and payment implementations?
    For a merchant to unlock the full potential of new technology, partnering with the expertise of an organization like W. Capra is crucial.  Conversely, for a vendor whose platform or product has been selected by a merchant, ensuring an efficient and effective implementation can help establish strong client relations and get your organization on the path to revenue recognition more quickly.
  • Why should merchants work with W. Capra on their Fraud Management program?
    The most frequently stated struggle for fraud management teams is how to manage new areas of fraud to prevent lost revenues, but this is not where the only focus should be; successful programs do this while mitigating friction in their consumer experience. 
  • What’s In Store for Retail: Industry Trends to Watch
    While uncertainty around the state of the economy lingers due to inflation, retailers have remained focused on roadmaps centered around new technology and experiences to keep customers engaged. Here we examine the top trends retailers should be watching.

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