Approaching Consumer-Facing Programs

“Do my consumers really want this? Will they use it?” This is one of the most fundamental questions any merchant must ask when venturing into a new consumer engagement or payment program. It is also a huge lesson to be learned from both the successes and failures from some of...

Value in Loyalty Programs

Perceiving Value Any loyalty program introduced to market must of course add value to a merchant’s brand. To gain traction, however, it’s required that consumers perceive value in the program as well. Consumers typically choose where to shop based on quality, convenience, service and price. In a recent survey conducted...

Adopters and Adapters

Loyalty, I noticed as the miles on my odometer increased, takes on many forms. The following is re-posted from Convenience Store News.   My recent business travels took me by my city neighborhood grammar school. It reminded me of the many yearly assignments to write a story about my summer...

Competing in the Technological Age of Loyalty

Your program should be a long-term decision, not a short-term fix. The following is re-posted from Convenience Store News. Can consumers be loyal to your company or brand anymore? What incentives persuade a millennial to be loyal to your company? Do loyalty programs actually increase sales, or is the end...

Cover Charge? I Have to Pay to Get into this Club?

The other day I heard someone refer to Amazon’s Prime Membership as a loyalty club. It took me by surprise. I always thought of Prime as more of a membership club – they charge a fee, so how can it be a loyalty program? At first I dismissed the term...

5 IT Strategy Questions to Keep in Mind for 2016

2014 was about asking questions. In 2015, the IT ecosystem geared up to determine what technology could address these questions. 2016 is the year for mass adoption of new technology and utilizing new infrastructures to address emerging challenges. From payments to consumer engagement to security, W. Capra presents the top...

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