
Introducing Book+: Priority = Do the Right Thing

In his latest post to CStoreDecisions, Ed Collupy reflects on and shares some reading he’s been doing recently as part of W. Capra’s Book Club, Book+: Over the years I’ve always had a book or two on my desk at work and near my comfy spot at home. Some I...

Apple Pay: Not Yet Simple

We spend increasingly more time with our faces buried in our smart phones. We rely on our devices to socialize, stay current, or save us a minute or two in our crazy, stressful lives.  So when Apple Pay launched in October 2014, promising a secure, simple payment solution to replace...

Hybrid Cloud Computing

The following paper, published by the Cloud Standards Customer Council, contains contributions from Karl Scott, Executive Consultant, W. Capra Consulting Group: Practical Guide to Hybrid Cloud Computing The CSCC's webinar on March 3rd will outline the key considerations that customers must take into account as they adopt hybrid cloud computing. The...

What They Didn't Tell You about EMV

Whether you consider yourself a marketer, dealer, jobber or convenience retailer in the Retail Petroleum industry, by now you’ve been told you need to act on implementing EMV, empower new forms of payment (mobile chief among them), or drive growth through robust loyalty offerings. The complex relationships and technologies that...

Opinion: Let’s Get Personal: Earn Loyalty via Security

In this article, reposted from, W. Capra Partner, Matt Beale describes the steps that all retailers should take to perform an effective security health check.   Who isn’t afraid of getting their information stolen—particularly their credit-card numbers? No one wants to see a random Caribbean cruise or flat-screen TV appear on their...

W. Capra Proud to Support the AAIM

W. Capra is pleased to continue its support for the Alliance Against Intoxicated Motorists (AAIM). The AAIM was found in 1982 to bring public attention to our roadways caused by impaired drivers and to prevent future tragedies. In order to continue its life-saving programs, the AAIM depends on donations from...

5 IT Strategy Questions to Keep in Mind for 2016

2014 was about asking questions. In 2015, the IT ecosystem geared up to determine what technology could address these questions. 2016 is the year for mass adoption of new technology and utilizing new infrastructures to address emerging challenges. From payments to consumer engagement to security, W. Capra presents the top...

Unwrap the eB2B Gift

The following article is reposted from CStore Decisions and features commentary by Ed Collupy, executive consultant, W. Capra Consulting Group. It’s the time of year of giving and reflection—throughout the convenience store industry people come together in many different forums and give of their time to help each other and you....

EMV Watch: Speed Up Checkout this Holiday Season

The holiday shopping season officially kicked off this past Friday as retailers launched their Black Friday sales. While retailers have been honing their holiday sales processes for years, the transition to EMV has the potential to throw off the delicate balance of customer support, fraud protection, and checkout speeds that...

Mobile Payments Making Noise

The following article is reposted from CStoreDecisions and features commentary from W. Capra Executive Consultant, Ed Collupy. “Cha-Ching!” With all the announcements about mobile payments over the past few weeks I’ve been hearing, in my mind, the sound of an older cash register when the total button was pushed, and...

The Race to Win Real-Time Payments

Last week brought two major partnerships in the push for real-time payments: TCH with VocaLink clearXchange with Early Warning The Clearing House (TCH) is a private-sector ACH Operator that processes about half of all commercial ACH volume in the country. Its partnership with payment systems provider VocaLink aims to bring...

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