The Future of PCI DSS Scoping and Segmentation: What’s Changed?

he ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape has made it more urgent than ever to address these challenges, and the release of the new 2024 PCI DSS Scoping and Segmentation Guidance could not have come soon enough. The new supplement has evolved significantly from its 2017 predecessor, offering much-needed updates to help organizations...

What’s In Store for Retail: Industry Trends to Watch

While uncertainty around the state of the economy lingers due to inflation, retailers have remained focused on roadmaps centered around new technology and experiences to keep customers engaged. Here we examine the top trends retailers should be watching.

PCI DSS 4.0 looms large  

Merchants need to immediately start understanding what additional budget they are planning to allocate to tackle the increased time and costs necessary to maintain PCI compliance. Even working to find and procure the services of an approved scanning vendor will take time and internal resources.

Leaping from Level 2 to Level 1 PCI Merchant Status? Here’s how we can help.

For many merchants, PCI Compliance and related activities are a necessary annual pursuit that require additional work for resource strapped internal business units.  The looming complexities of PCI DSS 4.0, combined with transitioning to a Level 1 merchant, will likely leave many organizations in the lurch as they determine how...

Choosing Your Custom Development Vendor

Given the complexity of today’s organizational architectures, the need for custom development work has become increasingly prevalent. However, for organizations seeking to embark on custom development initiatives, the race to implement can oftentimes cloud decision-makers from asking key questions to ensure they are selecting the right development shop for the...

My Compliance Assessment Didn’t Go Well… Now What?

It’s a scary situation: after all the meetings, evidence gathering and reviews, the compliance assessment comes back with red flags. Regardless of the type of compliance assessment (PCI, SOX, SOC-2, etc.) the prospect of fines and/or business interruptions can put a dark cloud over any organization. So what do you...

Cashiering Enters the Mobile Age

The following has been re-posted from Convenience Store Decisions. The original article can be found here.   Hand-held devices aren’t just convenient; they are the secured cash registers of the future. By Ed Collupy Looking back, I always wanted the opportunity to checkout a customer using a brass cash register,...

“How Will You Be Paying?”: A Look at P2P Payments

As methods of payment continue to evolve, they have become varied across demographics. While few consumers carry significant amounts of cash, and even fewer write checks, more and more are using a growing number of non-cash alternatives to pay for products and services. Credit and debit cards are generally the...

What Happens When the Lights Go Out?

Background Driven by the high-profile data security breaches at global retail brands (Target, Michaels, etc.) over the past 10 years, directors across all retail verticals have elevated data security to a top priority of their organizations.  As a result, maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of PCI, PII, and sensitive corporate...

Safe & Sound

The following article, from NACS, contains contributions from Matt Beale, Partner at W. Capra Consulting Group: SAFE & SOUND -- "There's a general view that if you're PCI compliant, you are therefore security compliant. That's a risky perspective."

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