An Engaged Think Tank

The following is re-posted from NACS Online. The objective was simple: Bring together a few IT leaders from the convenience retailing industry and let attendees at the Conexxus Annual Conference in May hear what was on their minds. The aptly named “Think Tank” came together, and quite surprisingly, the three...

Controlling Your Most Controllable Expense

  Arguably, employees are the most important asset for a business – also the most expensive. Employee wages represent a major liability on a company’s balance sheet. Any business owner (large or small) worth their salt understands the importance that monitoring and controlling wage spend has on their bottom line....

W. Capra Launches Rubix Services

W. Capra launches Rubix Services to expand its commitment to the Petroleum C-Store Industry W. Capra Consulting Group, the leading retail technology, payments and security consultancy to the Petroleum Convenience Store industry, is broadening its commitment to the industry by launching Rubix Services.  Rubix is a payment processing and technology...

Gears That Keep Technology Moving

In his latest post to CStoreDecisions, Ed Collupy reflects on how industry standards improve profitability by reducing costs and improving competitiveness: Standards, in my early days of retailing, were always there to set expectations, something to work by, and measure compliance success with. Then I learned about technical standards. NAXML,...

Capitalizing on the Cloud: How Migrating can Benefit Retailers

A growing number of companies are moving data and business applications to the cloud with the potential of increased flexibility and decreased costs through diminished need for infrastructure, staff and software. The benefits are clear – moving from capital based expenditures (Capex) to a fully-loaded, usage based (Opex) model provides...

Innovative Shopping Mall: A Selling & Buying Experience

The following article is reposted from CStore Decisions and features commentary by Ed Collupy, executive consultant, W. Capra Consulting Group. The Journey to REC There was a long line when I ordered my coffee at the airport, but it moved pretty well. I placed my order, paid cash and proceeded to the...

5 IT Strategy Questions to Keep in Mind for 2016

2014 was about asking questions. In 2015, the IT ecosystem geared up to determine what technology could address these questions. 2016 is the year for mass adoption of new technology and utilizing new infrastructures to address emerging challenges. From payments to consumer engagement to security, W. Capra presents the top...

EMV Watch: Speed Up Checkout this Holiday Season

The holiday shopping season officially kicked off this past Friday as retailers launched their Black Friday sales. While retailers have been honing their holiday sales processes for years, the transition to EMV has the potential to throw off the delicate balance of customer support, fraud protection, and checkout speeds that...

"Sweet Spot" Bundling: Using POS transaction-log data to design in-store promotions

The following article was originally posted on CSPnet and features commentary from W. Capra Executive Consultant, Ed Collupy. LAS VEGAS --Where “big data” and complex analytics have drawn interest among those in the convenience-store channel, retailers interested in technology on the first day of the annual NACS convention and trade show...

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