
Retail Economics Are Changing – Are You?

Advertisers are increasingly redirecting their funds from traditional publishers to retailers that are serving as publishers— and this trend is only projected to continue, with retail media spending likely to double in the next four years.

Should You Be Installing a Retail Charge Point Network?

As EV adoption continues to rise, retailers who own real estate face a critical decision on whether, and how, to implement a charge point network. Often described as a nexus of charge points that enables EV owners to charge their vehicles, track which charge points they engage with, and predictably...

When Should a Merchant Be Merchant of Record?

The biggest benefit to becoming the Merchant of Record is the opportunity to optimize payment operations and standardize the customer experience. As technology has evolved, so has the need to optimize transaction flows across channels of commerce, control costs, and improve resiliency.

How does Artificial Intelligence fit into my business? 

Even without a full-blown AI usage program, giving employees clear direction on where and how AI can be used within your company is crucial. Concerns about consumer privacy, business trade secrets, non-disclosure agreements, the use of copyrighted information, and even the accuracy of ChatGPT’s output need to be addressed in...

How does your organization implement and operate its Security Environment? 

Your overarching security program needs to be dynamic and responsive to the ever-changing threat landscape.  As we’ve seen with the recent ransomware attacks, no amount of diligence from a software or hardware perspective can help with the exposure from lack of employee training or awareness as it relates to these...

How should my business confidently deploy new retail technology solutions?

Implementing new technology or software solutions can be a complex and risky process. To mitigate potential pitfalls and ensure successful deployments, merchants should consider enlisting the help of a trusted third-party testing partner. The key benefits of third-party testing with an industry stalwart like W. Capra should be an integral...

What Does the New Interchange Legislation Mean For You?

A growing number of states have recently introduced legislation to prohibit charging interchange fees on the sales and excise tax portion of retail transactions. Thus far, there are active bills in the states of Georgia, Florida, Idaho, North Dakota, and Texas, however that number is expected to grow in the...

Get The Most Out of Tokenization

By replacing sensitive data with tokens, merchants not only reduce the risk of a data breach, they also ensure that even if a hacker (aka “bad guy”) were to access their system, the hacker would only be able to access the tokens, which are useless without corresponding sensitive personal information...

I have selected an MSP, now what?

Even with clearly articulated service level agreements (SLA) or metrics that you wish to analyze with an MSP, someone within your organization must own that relationship to ensure: one, the knowledge of what those expectations are, and two, that there are feedback loops when expectations are not being met.

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