U.S. merchants had an astounding $9 Billion in payment card fraud in 2015, a number that continues to grow at an increasing rate year after year.[1] In a retail climate that that faces increasingly tighter margins, higher operating costs, and intense competition from low cost, online only retailers, fraud losses...
EMV Hopes – An Implementation Update
The following has been re-posted from C-Store Decisions. The original article can be found here. As retailers struggle with compliance, chargebacks from the liability shift have been larger than anyone in the industry anticipated. By Ed Collupy The implementation of EMV (Europay, Mastercard and Visa) chip card acceptance should be...
Chargebacks: More than a Minor Headache Since the EMV Liability Shift
Five months after the 10/1/15 EMV liability shift of counterfeit and lost/stolen fraud from issuing banks to merchants, there is a growing concern throughout the payments industry regarding the high number of chargebacks being issued to merchants. While many merchants budgeted for an incremental increase, many merchants are seeing actual...