Should You Be Installing a Retail Charge Point Network?

As EV adoption continues to rise, retailers who own real estate face a critical decision on whether, and how, to implement a charge point network. Often described as a nexus of charge points that enables EV owners to charge their vehicles, track which charge points they engage with, and predictably...

When Should a Merchant Be Merchant of Record?

The biggest benefit to becoming the Merchant of Record is the opportunity to optimize payment operations and standardize the customer experience. As technology has evolved, so has the need to optimize transaction flows across channels of commerce, control costs, and improve resiliency.

How should my business confidently deploy new retail technology solutions?

Implementing new technology or software solutions can be a complex and risky process. To mitigate potential pitfalls and ensure successful deployments, merchants should consider enlisting the help of a trusted third-party testing partner. The key benefits of third-party testing with an industry stalwart like W. Capra should be an integral...

I have selected an MSP, now what?

Even with clearly articulated service level agreements (SLA) or metrics that you wish to analyze with an MSP, someone within your organization must own that relationship to ensure: one, the knowledge of what those expectations are, and two, that there are feedback loops when expectations are not being met.

First-Party Data Monetization in Convenience and Energy

Many convenience and energy retailers are sitting on a valuable asset that they have not yet fully monetized: first party data. This data, collected from consumer interactions and transactions, can unveil valuable insights into consumer behavior and preferences.

Top Trends Every Retailer Should Be Aware of for 2023

2023 marks the fourth year of a decade that began with a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic that transformed the retail industry. As supply chain issues and other economic challenges caused by the pandemic continue to fester, retailers are finding a new normal with hybrid shopping. This means retailers have even more opportunities...

How to Approach Implementing Autonomous Checkout

Though autonomous checkout has demonstrated clear benefits to those who implement it well, the implementation doesn’t come without its challenges. One of the biggest pitfalls we see in self-checkout implementations is the propensity to treat this new technology as we would treat any other POS terminal.

Operational Integrity more vital than ever

As technology is pervasive at retail locations supporting more offers and consumer engagement options, the resiliency of this technology must be monitored and assured. Making sure that products are available, priced correctly, and that consumers can transact with prescribed offers, earn loyalty and use desired payment is critical to the...

When to Prepare for EV

Though there remains ongoing debate around how to best deploy the EV infrastructure, and although internal combustion vehicles will surely remain in market for a long time to come, the tipping point for national EV adoption remains an inevitability.

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