ePOS Software Release Testing: How much is enough?

Recently, a customer asked me about the required level of testing to perform for a new build of ePOS software. My response was “It depends on what changes were made”. The response seemed to baffle some in the meeting because of the commonly held belief that every new software build...

Moving Forward With Payment Technology

The following has been re-posted from C-Store Decisions. The original article can be found here. As EMV implementation wraps up, retailers must consider where mobile payment solutions are headed. By Ed Collupy The baseball season is in full swing and I’m reminded as I continue to think about card payments...

EMV Hopes – An Implementation Update

The following has been re-posted from C-Store Decisions. The original article can be found here. As retailers struggle with compliance, chargebacks from the liability shift have been larger than anyone in the industry anticipated. By Ed Collupy The implementation of EMV (Europay, Mastercard and Visa) chip card acceptance should be...

Approaching Consumer-Facing Programs

“Do my consumers really want this? Will they use it?” This is one of the most fundamental questions any merchant must ask when venturing into a new consumer engagement or payment program. It is also a huge lesson to be learned from both the successes and failures from some of...

Where Do Fraudsters Go?

There are undoubtedly hundreds of cybersecurity and fraudulent attacks being committed at this very moment. While merchants have invested time, resources, technology, and hundreds of millions of dollars to protect sensitive company and customer data, fraud continues to rise at an exponential rate. Fraud is Migrating While the U.S. continues...

Store Data Deserves Protection Too

The following, written by W. Capra’s Ed Collupy, has been re-posted from C-Store Decisions. As c-store retailers implement enhanced inventory-management solutions, they should also consider doing more to secure inventory data. So much of the attention on data security in the last few years has been focused on payments and...

EMV: Stalled at the Pump

The convenience and fuel retailing industry is buzzing about the announcements from VISA, Mastercard, and American Express that they will delay most of the liability shift for automated fuel dispenser (AFD EMV chip card transactions by 3 years. Convenience store operators and gasoline retailers were preparing to meet the October...

No Reward in Overturning Debit Reform

The following has been re-posted from Convenience Store Decisions. Swipe fees continue to eat away at retailer profits. The income banks gain when consumers use credit cards has increased by more than 50% since 2009, while debit card fees has increased at a slower rate. By Ed Collupy Front-page news...

How Ready Are They?

The following article, from Digital Transactions, contains contributions from Terry Mahoney, Partner at W. Capra Consulting Group: “Now that merchants have had their EMV D-Day, it’s the turn of ATM owners and petroleum marketers. The compliance picture isn’t pretty. Here’s why, and what ATM deployers, C-stores, and others can do...

W. Capra at NACS

NACS is fast approaching. Below are the sessions where you can find W. Capra. Come stop by for a visit! Session: Technology Edge CIO Panel Capra Resource: Loren Allston Role: Moderator Tuesday, Oct 18, 3:05pm - 3:55pm Session: Mobile Commerce - Let's Get Real Capra Resource: Ed Collupy Role: Moderator Tuesday,...

An Engaged Think Tank

The following is re-posted from NACS Online. The objective was simple: Bring together a few IT leaders from the convenience retailing industry and let attendees at the Conexxus Annual Conference in May hear what was on their minds. The aptly named “Think Tank” came together, and quite surprisingly, the three...

3 Keys to the Golden Rule

Has technology taken over the world?  Our future seems to be driven by the next efficiency-maximizing cloud-based platform, or the next innovative gadget or app that promises exponential top line growth. As these technological changes move our world faster, I thought a friendly reminder about The Golden Rule would be...

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