Today’s post is about how petroleum and convenience retailers can prevent fraud and reduce chargebacks. April Fool’s Day (April 1st) will mark six months since the EMV counterfeit fraud liability shift for in-store transactions, and so far, the joke is on the merchant community. Merchants have seen a dramatic increase...
Innovative Shopping Mall: A Selling & Buying Experience
The following article is reposted from CStore Decisions and features commentary by Ed Collupy, executive consultant, W. Capra Consulting Group. The Journey to REC There was a long line when I ordered my coffee at the airport, but it moved pretty well. I placed my order, paid cash and proceeded to the...
Chargebacks: More than a Minor Headache Since the EMV Liability Shift
Five months after the 10/1/15 EMV liability shift of counterfeit and lost/stolen fraud from issuing banks to merchants, there is a growing concern throughout the payments industry regarding the high number of chargebacks being issued to merchants. While many merchants budgeted for an incremental increase, many merchants are seeing actual...
Do I Stay Branded?
Do I Stay Branded? Since exiting Retail, Major Oil (or Big Oil) has faced a number of Brand Conversions within their existing footprint. NACSOnline states, “Large, integrated oil companies, especially since 2007, have exited the retail business to focus more on resource production and refining operations. ExxonMobil, Shell, BP and...
Introducing Book+: Priority = Do the Right Thing
In his latest post to CStoreDecisions, Ed Collupy reflects on and shares some reading he’s been doing recently as part of W. Capra’s Book Club, Book+: Over the years I’ve always had a book or two on my desk at work and near my comfy spot at home. Some I...