Lisa Biggs


Lisa Biggs’ passion for operational excellence, along with her 30+ years of practical and technical experience in the petroleum, convenience, and retail industries, has served her team and clients well.  Lisa works with retailers, suppliers, manufacturers, and solution providers to build business infrastructure and leverage returns on investment for corporate and store level technologies.

As a distinguished expert in the industry, Lisa maintains a strong focus on learning and development. She is a frequent contributor, facilitator, and speaker for NACS and other industry trade organizations and publications. Lisa served on the board of Conexxus/PCATS for 6 years and previously on NACS Technology Standards committees since 1996. In honor of her many years of commitment to industry standards and process improvements, Lisa was inducted into the Conexxus Hall of Fame in 2018.

Outside of work, Lisa cherishes family time with her three grown sons and grandchildren. She has always had a passion for helping children. She is active in her church’s children’s ministry and co-founded a non-profit organization, Hopes and Dreams, which provides assistance and activities for children and adults with special needs throughout several counties in Kentucky.

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