Should You Be Installing a Retail Charge Point Network?
As EV adoption continues to rise, retailers who own real estate face a critical decision on whether, and how, to implement a charge point network. Often described as a nexus of charge points that enables EV owners to charge their vehicles, track which charge points they engage with, and predictably know which adapters are available, charge point networks can deliver long-term benefits to retailers as well as consumers.
When to Prepare for EV
Though there remains ongoing debate around how to best deploy the EV infrastructure, and although internal combustion vehicles will surely remain in market for a long time to come, the tipping point for national EV adoption remains an inevitability.
How should petroleum marketers plan remaining a relevant energy provider to consumers as drivers migrate to electric vehicles?
The Federal government and myriad states continue to plow forward in setting new laws and providing consumer incentives to push the market towards a critical mass of electric vehicles. For petroleum marketers, the change in how vehicles will “fuel” is a cause for transformation as well. Do petroleum marketers want to maintain their relationships with their current fuel customers and provide charging stations for them to continue to come to their sites?
Not All Fleets Are Created Equal
Whether an organization maintains an existing fleet offering or they’re evaluating fleet as a new opportunity, one of the most common barriers that retailers face when attempting to gain incremental market share is that their offering assumes a universal need across the fleet portfolio. In reality, the needs that over-the-road (OTR) fleet users require in a program will vary starkly from the use cases that light commercial vehicles will demand.
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