How Seamless is Your Customer Journey?
A seamless customer journey starts with an honest assessment of your operations. Most retailers know they need to create value […]
Read morePAX POS Security and what it means to your organization
Security attacks should be mentioned in the same breath for predictability as death and taxes, and increasingly an organization’s security resources are too strapped for time to operate, complete project work, and continue to adapt and tune their security approach. Third parties who can evaluate your current security environment and provide critical, unbiased feedback with a plan for continued improvement are more vital than ever before.
Impact’s Insights From NACS 2021
The Impact 21 team shares insights and experiences from the 2021 NACS Show. Despite the pandemic, convenience retailers have seen […]
Demystifying Token Conversion
There’s an inherent stickiness to any token provider, but as companies evaluate their payment architecture and look at pricing, performance, service level agreements (SLAs), and other factors, chances are that swapping out a provider or adding a new service will require a token conversion.
Why should merchants consider implementing a Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) solution?
BNPL can be viewed as an extension of the consumer credit card programs that emerged in the late 1980s, but with a unique upside for merchants. In contrast to credit cards, BNPL companies help expand the available consumer base, but they adopt the risk themselves by funding the purchase to the merchant immediately and allowing the consumer to pay them back over time.
For Petroleum Marketers frustrated with their Mobile Payment Processing Application, where should they turn?
An important first step in solving any problem is to accurately identify the root cause of the problem and any potential solutions. For petroleum marketers with a mobile payment solution in place, looking at the entire ecosystem, evaluating where improvements could be gained, and looking at what solutions reside in the market are the definitive first steps.
How does your organization leverage transaction data?
Data-driven decision making has become pivotal in the corporate world. As consumers leverage a wide array of options to complete transactions, maintaining an awareness of those consumers, their spending habits, and their experience across business systems is critical to remaining competitive in the marketplace. Data is critical to those activities, and for merchants, leveraging transaction data is particularly crucial.
Outdoor EMV helped defray fraud, but what about improving security and protecting cardholder data for petroleum marketers?
For petroleum marketers, now on the other side of Outdoor EMV implementation, payments at the pump seem more secure and less prone to fraud. This view is only somewhat true, however: Committing fraud by way of stolen card is now more difficult, but sensitive payment data is both more vulnerable and more under attack than ever before. Outdoor EMV compliance has brought new devices like outdoor payment terminals on automated fuel dispensers onto IP-based networks, creating new opportunities for attackers to exploit systems that have yet to be hardened against black hat activity.
Catch Lesley Saitta On The Next Women In Loyalty™ Episode
The Wise Marketer Group, a global customer engagement and loyalty media and publication company, announced its Women in Loyalty™ video […]
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