Patrick T. Raycroft
Patrick has 10 years of experience in the C-store and Fuel retailing industry with a primary focus on retail technology and consumer-facing programs. He is driven by his passion for the C-store and Fuel retailing industry and his belief that the industry meets critical needs in the communities it serves. Patrick holds a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Notre Dame.
In his spare time, Patrick enjoys travel and time outdoors with his family and cheering on the Fighting Irish.
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Insights from Patrick T. Raycroft
Outdoor EMV helped defray fraud, but what about improving security and protecting cardholder data for petroleum marketers?
For petroleum marketers, now on the other side of Outdoor EMV implementation, payments at the pump seem more secure and less prone to fraud. This view is only somewhat true, however: Committing fraud by way of stolen card is now more difficult, but sensitive payment data is both more vulnerable and more under attack than ever before. Outdoor EMV compliance has brought new devices like outdoor payment terminals on automated fuel dispensers onto IP-based networks, creating new opportunities for attackers to exploit systems that have yet to be hardened against black hat activity.
Choosing Your Custom Development Vendor
Given the complexity of today’s organizational architectures, the need for custom development work has become increasingly prevalent. However, for organizations seeking to embark on custom development initiatives, the race to implement can oftentimes cloud decision-makers from asking key questions to ensure they are selecting the right development shop for the job.
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