Simple Security Tips for Consumers

We see a steady stream of news stories about data breaches that result in damage to company reputations, impact to share valuation, cost to implement new security measures and in many cases fines and/or penalties to cover the cost of associated fraud. In the payments and security world, we tend...

Does Your App Accept the New Consumer Currency – Data?

Consumers are offering data, a new currency, in exchange for truly exceptional experiences. Like monetary currencies, the value consumers receive for this new currency will vary, depending on where they exchange it. To succeed, your app must offer an experience in line with consumer value exchange rate expectations. Mobile apps...

My Compliance Assessment Didn’t Go Well… Now What?

It’s a scary situation: after all the meetings, evidence gathering and reviews, the compliance assessment comes back with red flags. Regardless of the type of compliance assessment (PCI, SOX, SOC-2, etc.) the prospect of fines and/or business interruptions can put a dark cloud over any organization. So what do you...

Unlocking Security Issues

The following article has been re-posted from Convenience Store Decisions. The original posting can be found here. A multi-faceted approach to store security—from locks and cameras to smart safes and best practices in data security—is necessary to keep c-stores safe from theft in 2017. By Ed Collupy Around-the-clock business like...

The Dust Has Settled On Equifax. What Now?

On September 7, Equifax, one of the “big three” U.S. credit bureaus, announced a massive data breach impacting an estimated 143 million Americans.  Now that preliminary information related to the breach has been released, this CapraPLUS post reflects on what happened, the impacts of the event (both immediate and long-term),...

What Happens When the Lights Go Out?

Background Driven by the high-profile data security breaches at global retail brands (Target, Michaels, etc.) over the past 10 years, directors across all retail verticals have elevated data security to a top priority of their organizations.  As a result, maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of PCI, PII, and sensitive corporate...

Moving Forward With Payment Technology

The following has been re-posted from C-Store Decisions. The original article can be found here. As EMV implementation wraps up, retailers must consider where mobile payment solutions are headed. By Ed Collupy The baseball season is in full swing and I’m reminded as I continue to think about card payments...

Where Do Fraudsters Go?

There are undoubtedly hundreds of cybersecurity and fraudulent attacks being committed at this very moment. While merchants have invested time, resources, technology, and hundreds of millions of dollars to protect sensitive company and customer data, fraud continues to rise at an exponential rate. Fraud is Migrating While the U.S. continues...

Store Data Deserves Protection Too

The following, written by W. Capra’s Ed Collupy, has been re-posted from C-Store Decisions. As c-store retailers implement enhanced inventory-management solutions, they should also consider doing more to secure inventory data. So much of the attention on data security in the last few years has been focused on payments and...

Safe & Sound

The following article, from NACS, contains contributions from Matt Beale, Partner at W. Capra Consulting Group: SAFE & SOUND -- "There's a general view that if you're PCI compliant, you are therefore security compliant. That's a risky perspective."

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