It’s tough to build long-term, profitable customer relationships if your brand is generic, impersonal, or worse, irrelevant. But many retailers fail to invest the time to define what they stand for and who they want to be in the marketplace. Without this awareness, retail brands miss out on the opportunity to be known for something that matters deeply to their customers. And without this awareness, your brand is vulnerable to losing market share and profit erosion.
A successful brand strategy begins with determining what makes your retail organization uniquely valuable from your customers’ point of view. Through in-depth interviews, research, and a deep dive into core competencies, corporate culture, and marketplace dynamics, you will uncover the foundational elements of your business. And you will learn how to best leverage them across every business decision to bring a meaningful, memorable, and ownable brand to life.

With the W. Capra Brand Strategy framework, you will clearly define your:
Brand Soul. Capture your company’s purpose and competitive position and define where you will win against your competitors.
Brand Attributes. Stand out in the industry by establishing points of differentiation that reflect your brand soul, such as price/promo, service, convenience, merchandise authority, experience, and/or social consciousness.
Initiatives and Metrics. Build a brand roadmap that focuses company resources on projects and investments designed to strengthen and measure brand health over time.
Category Roles and Strategies Framework. Develop structure that guides and optimizes pricing, promotional, and assortment decisions to reflect and reinforce the brand.

The most successful retailers use their brand strategies as a guiding light to make intentional choices about everything from merchandising, to messaging, to how guests are greeted. W. Capra helps companies achieve clarity around their purpose, promise, and personality that bring the brand to life, creating better customer experiences, building loyalty, and increasing share of wallet along the way.

Staff Augmentation
Keep Your Business Transformation on Track
It can be hard to find the right people with the right skill set for any job these days, and your customer-first business transformation initiatives are no exception. Whether you need senior leadership, IT or payments specialists, business intelligence support, finance or accounting leadership, category managers, loyalty experts, or developers and programmers, recruiting and onboarding the best talent takes time and resources you don’t have to spare.
Whether it’s one of our own well-qualified team members or an industry associate, we make sure you get the talent you need to keep moving forward.
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